Art and Language Workshops for all ages
Apprendimento creativo e linguistico per tutte le etÃ

Laboratori di Arte per adulti
Pittura, Tecnica mista
Art Workshops for adults, students and teachers.
Painting Holidays, Mixed Media courses, Art History talks
NEW Artist Membership,
Monthly Co-create Sessions
Weekly kickstart prompts
see below for details
per adulti
I corsi d’arte hanno la capacità di sviluppare la creatività nel singolo individuo e i rapporti sociali tra le persone.
Inoltre, danno la possibilità attraverso la sperimentazione di più campi inconsueti alle normali abitudini e ritmi di vita di conoscersi e mettersi in discussione con se stessi.
Avventure con la tecnica mista
Tutor Hannah Gauntlett
Non è necessaria esperienza precedente di disegno. Si disegna dal vivo, esplorando i toni, colori e la tecnica mista. Faremo degli esperimenti con pittura, texture, collage, china, pastelli e con delle tecniche di stampa fatte a mano.
Portate solo una mente aperta e la voglia di provare tecniche nuove. Faremo dei lavori semi-astratti ispirati dalla natura, dai paesaggi e dai temi urbani.
Le lezioni sono tenute in Inglese o Italiano con artista madrelingua Inglese che vive a Padova da diversi anni.
for adults
Enjoy some time away from the stress of everyday life. Focus on your creativity and experiment with new materials whilst spending time in a friendly and stimulating online studio.
Adventures with Mixed Media
Tutor Hannah Gauntlett
No previous experience necessary. We will spend time making observational drawings, tonal sketches and colour studies with mixed media. Experiment with paints, textures, collage, ink, pastels and basic hand printing techniques.
All you need is an open mind and be willing to try new techniques.
We will make our own semi-abstract works based on still life, coastal, landscape and urban themes. Then learn how to develop our ideas through process based projects.
The lessons will be conducted in English with English mother tongue art teacher, who also speaks fluent Italian.
We will also visit exhibitions in the area.

The STARTLAB membership includes access to a secret hub of useful information to help artists develop new personal practices and establish a work routine, expand audience, with useful tips on how to set up websites, use social media, approach galleries, and grow your art business. Artists can join from any part of the world.
2023 Events:
Online Retreat:
Sign up by October 27th 2023
Saturday 28th October
Sunday 29th October
(Central European Time schedule flexible)
Weekly Co-create Session: time to be confirmed
(Central European Time)
€ 20 monthly membership fee
Hub access coming soon!
Learn how to develop your creative voice, grow in confidence, establish a work routine and expand your audience.
This course is designed to help artists overcome artistic blocks, change mindset and personal practices for success.
One to one or group sessions available with tools and tips to help you establish a path towards gallery representation and grow your art business.
Once a month we meet online to create for an hour together in our studios.
We work on our own projects and use the time to set small goals to achieve in that time.
The aim is for a relaxed session of making and chatting, rather than specific teaching. They are fun and random :-)
For some members they have become an essential part of their creative week.
How to take part in the Co-create sessions:
Join the membership and you will be sent a link to the
These happen on Wednesday mornings
from 10 - 11am
European Time.
You will receive a reminder in your weekly
Monday email with prompts to help kickstart your week.
You can come and join us live in the ZOOM ART ROOM, and keep your camera turned off if you prefer, but please don't feel shy.
The only rule is to be kind and have fun!